ooooooooooooo                            Introduction to Pilot Base


    This site’s “Pilot Base” is intended to provide a kind of rough “statement/outline” of primary, general needs for society as a whole. It is a “tool”, we use as a kind of “structural guideline” …to be looked back upon, from time to time, for aid in “re-focusing” our efforts.  It is displayed, here, as a possible, additional, reference point for anyone, else, interested.



                                                                     Changing the World For The Better”


     Ever since people appeared on earth, they have sought to make things better…(at first for themselves, as individuals)…gradually, many saw the importance of motivating others (for assistance). The importance of the welfare of our immediate family, became apparent, early on, but it took much longer to consider the lives of others…even those very close to us.  Perhaps we considered ourselves to be well off if we seemed to be much better of than others around us…(there is some value in making comparisons of this type…using “study groups” within some “targeted” demographic)…but, these may lead us to lose sight of larger “pictures”.                       

     Back in early times, we had very limited vision of how much better human relations could be. It was taken for granted that physical violence was essential in resolving disputes! This was a “mater-of-fact” belief that persists to today. It, mainly, differs, now, by “degree” of the level (of the violence), and the “subtlety” of it. 

     In more recent human history, concern for “extended” members of our “families and friends” group, helped us to reflect, more on the results of “violent” activity. Large communities, while enjoying more safety, within their area, were often caught up in wars with other areas. 


     Today, many would argue that efforts to advance overall “well-being”, have been going on since our history began…a long, long time ago.  Others would point out that in the time-span of the earth, human presence represents but a very tiny “speck” at this end of a timeline that began at the creation of earth (if not further). 

     Whichever perspective is taken, we are able to look back on considerable experience as a “tool” to assist us in new efforts.

     Were such vast amounts of past experience necessary? This question gives impetus for us to look at new situations with a totally new view, discrediting most of our past views. Then, again, we might see that certain activities in our past are proof of effectiveness.  Many of both are important to significant, continued, progress.

      Work, on this project, has been undertaken with a determination to avoid “a priori” assumptions, and to: (I) approach all work in the light of apparent need/urgency;(2) consider appropriate size/quality of the material, called for (upon initial application).


      Note: We employ oversight to suggest proper timelines/quantitative support; so that, no single project will advance far beyond the needs of the “overall project”, but may, benefit from continued support, following evaluation updates.         


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